Tacoma Chiropractor Offers Fibromyalgia Relief

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Tacoma Chiropractor Offers Fibromyalgia Relief

Fibromyalgia is a life changing disorder.

Many people are looking for help with fibromyalgia in Tacoma, Washington because they know how much it impacts their lives. Fibromyalgia symptoms often include widespread, amplified pain in musculoskeletal areas as well as other problems like:

  • fatigue
  • periods of extreme sleepiness
  • memory problems
  • mood swings

Fibromyalgia sufferers must often deal with the complications of the disorder for a very long time - there is no cure. While some medications for fibromylgia may reduce symptoms for a short time, they often come with side effects that simply cause more problems.

Tacoma chiropractor Dr. Peter Atkins of Atkins Chiropractic is taking a stand to increase awareness for Fibromyalgia sufferers, because there are more ways to address the disorder outside of prescription medications.

"Many people who deal with fibromyalgia resign themselves to just suffering through the pain and missing out on important parts of their life" says Dr. Atkins. "It's an awful thing to hear about - particularly when I have helped so many people deal with fibromyalgia in Tacoma."

There are some ways to reduce and control the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Exercise, finding time to relax, and discovering methods to reduce stress are all great, simple ways to lessen the burden of fibromyalgia.

As the disorder itself is directly associated your brain's processing of pain signals, it is vital to understand the link between fibromyalgia and the nervous system.

"The spine and the nervous system are the 'control panel' for the body's communication strucutre." Dr. Atkins explains. "When you have problems with your spine - which we call subluxations - it directly impacts your brain's ability to interpret and act upon signals from the body. Subluxations alter, delay, or eliminate the proper signals to the brain, and fibromyalgia's strong musculoskeletal pains are often a direct result. As a chiropractor in Tacoma, Washington, I have studied the impact that chiropractic care has on fibromyalgia. I have many patients who swear by my care because it helps them manage an otherwise nearly unmanageable disorder."

In order to help spread the message about chiropractic care in Tacoma for fibromyalgia sufferers, Dr. Atkins and the staff at Atkins Chiropractic are offering new patients the chance to come in for a first appintment, receive a full exam and set of scans, and speak with Dr. Atkins directly about their problems.

"Together, we can use the results from my scans and tests to determine how effective my chiropractic care will be at reducing and controlling fibromyalgia symptoms. If I can help, I am thrilled to do so. If there are better options, I will direct you to them. I've been a chiropractoc in Tacoma for many years and only want the best for my neighbors here in the community."

If you are struggling to manage your fibromyalgia, use the link below to learn more about Dr. Atkins' special offer for new patients.