Tacoma Chiropractor Dr. Pete Atkins Wants to Talk About Your Neck Pain

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Tacoma Chiropractor Dr. Pete Atkins Wants to Talk About Your Neck Pain

Dr. Pete Atkins has been a chiropractor in Tacoma, Washington for many years. During his time working in the area, he has treated many members of the community for a variety of issues, including migraines, fibromyalgia, lower back pain, low energy, athletic injuries, and neck pain. Dr. Atkins wants to talk about your neck pain so that you can better understand his position and how he can help.

“Neck pain is one of the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed issues that I see in my Tacoma chiropractic office.” says Dr. Atkins. “Many medical doctors look at neck pain as little more than the twisting of an ankle or the stubbing of a toe. In time, it will subside, so they will give you pain pills to dull the pain and mask the issue altogether.”

Many people who experience neck pain look to their medical doctor first, but should be aware of the kind of care that a chiropractor in Tacoma can give them. “I don’t believe in masking the symptoms and masking the pain - that isn’t true HEALTH care to me.” Dr. Atkins says. “Neck pain can be caused by a variety of things, and I have the technology and expertise to discover the root cause and then address the root cause. This enables my patients to feel better, STAY better, and have the BEST life possible. It’s why I became a chiropractor in Tacoma in the first place.”

Neck pain is certainly a symptom of an issue and it is most likely an issue in the alignment of the spine. You may “sleep funny” and wake up with neck pain, but that one night’s rest didn’t cause the pain - it exacerbated the problem and your body is using the pain to warn you about it. When your spine is out of alignment, you can develop subluxations at various points in your spine. As your central nervous system courses through your spine, these subluxations can choke off blood flow and nerve communication to any part of the body, resulting in disease, discomfort, and chronic problems.

If you’ve never visited a chiropractor before, you may not know that there are specialists of many different types, areas of focus, and methods of procedure. If you haven’t been to a chiropractor in the last few years, you probably have a very outdated image of what an adjustment looks and feels like. Dr. Atkins with Atkins Chiropractic is an “Atlas Orthogonal” specialist. He focuses on your neck and spine and how they help (or hurt) your central nervous system’s ability to communicate with your brain and primary organs. His adjustments are NOT what you'd expect, either! You may be picturing a doctor “snapping” “cracking” and “popping” necks and backs with sharp twists and rough pulls, but that is extremely outdated. In fact, Dr. Atkins specializes in a gentle and safe adjustment that puts very little pressure on your body and is pain free.

Stop dulling the symptoms of neck pain. Stop missing out on life’s precious moments because of neck pain. Get to the root cause of the problem so that you can get better, stay better, and have the best life possible. Contact Dt. Pete Atkins and schedule a pain free appointment today. He is ready to be YOUR chiropractor in Tacoma!