3 Important Things a Specialist Chiropractor Does Different

3 Important Things a Specialist Chiropractor Does Different

Whether you have been to a chiropractor in the past or not, most people associate the kind of care you would find in a Tacoma chiropractor's office as either cracking necks or popping backs.

In many cases, that's a pretty succinct description.

In fact, a lot of chiropractors thrive in a situation where they have "crack addicts" who come to see them regularly because the process of having their neck cracked or back popped feels good. It keeps them feeling flexible, reduces stress, and can have lots of other benefits, too.

So what does a "specialist" chiropractor do differently and - more importantly - why would you care?

#1 - A Specialist Chiropractor Focuses on Restoring Optimal Health

There are many kinds of specialty chiropractors in Tacoma and they all have their own unique elements. Atkins Chiropractic, for instance, is an Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic office. The goal of Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic care is to restore the body to peak operating efficiency. When your body is free of nerve interference - called vertebral subluxation - you feel better, heal more quickly, and don't get sick as easily. This condition of optimal health enables you to live life to its fullest without feeling tired all the time, too.

#2 - A Specialist Chiropractor is the "Master" of Their Area of Focus

Dr. Atkins specializes as an Atlas Orthogonal chiropractor in Tacoma because he understands the incredibly vital responsibility he has as a health care provider. One thing that many people do not know about the Atlas Orthogonal method is that it is pain-free and incredibly gentle. Dr. Atkins doesn't "crack" your neck or "pop" your back (like a standard chiropractor) but instead puts his focus on the "Atlas" bone at the base of the skull. Think about the status of Atlas holding the world on his shoulders; your "Atlas" bone does the same thing, but with your entire head!

Atlas Orthogonal care utilizes a sound wave instrument to deliver a very precise adjustment to the "Atlas" bone without putting pressure on you or twisting/pulling you around. In fact, most patients don't even feel the adjustment at all! Dr. Atkins utilizes X-Ray and imaging technologies to monitor the position and condition of the "Atlas" bone before and after the adjustment to ensure that his work is accurate.

#3 - A Specialist Chiropractor Excels at the Impossible

The obvious warning goes here: results may vary. Everyone's body is unique and everyone's life experiences are different, but Dr. Atkins has a reputation in the Tacoma area for being the specialist that other doctors refer their patients to when they don't make the progress they want to make with reducing or eliminating pain, low energy, and many other problems that can be addressed by an Atlas Orthogonal specialist chiropractor in Tacoma.

Since Dr. Atkins's care is so unique, he asks every potential patient to complete a 45 minute new patient evaluation. During that time, he is able to determine if you are a good fit for his specialization. You will have the opportunity to speak with Dr. Atkins to share your health history as well as complete a few non-invasive tests and exams. By the end of this appointment, you will better understand how Dr. Atkins's care works, how it can help you, and what your personal health plan may look like.